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Enhancing Your Telco Infrastructure Management: Discover the Updates in Physical Route Manager & Data Center Manager Smallworld Add-ons

By June 25, 2024July 12th, 2024Smallworld, Telecommunications
Enhancing Your Telco Infrastructure Management

At Globema, we are committed to providing the best support for telecommunication companies, especially in telco infrastructure management. To this end, we continuously work on improving our solutions.

Today, we are excited to present the latest advancements in Globema’s Smallworld add-ons for the telco sector. Two of our solutions — Physical Route Manager and Data Center Manager — have received some significant improvements. Let’s explore the details.

Physical Route Manager (PRM) – management of physical routes in transmission networks

Physical Route Manager allows grouping any number of physical resources into easily accessible and manageable entities called Routes.

PRM is a crucial tool utilized in telecommunications and network infrastructure management. Its primary functions are to automate the process of building physical routes based on existing connectivity, provide real-time access to information regarding the occupancy of PNI (Physical Network Inventory) resources, offer a visually comprehensive representation of designed route issues, and enable highly optimized network tracing.

PRM serves as a comprehensive solution for managing network routing, optimizing resource utilization, and facilitating efficient service delivery in telecommunications.

The latest release of PRM comes with improvements that are a response to user feedback and are aimed at further enhancing the user experience and the management of telco networks.

PRM – Improved management of PRM routes and virtual sections

It is now possible to define a path (geometry) for Virtual Sections (unknown paths). This can be particularly useful when a telecommunications provider leases parts of its physical network from another company.

For example, a major telecom provider might lease dark fiber from smaller, regional providers to extend their network reach. In such cases, defining the precise path of these leased sections allows for better network management and more accurate service presentation.

Unknown paths are also shown on the map preview of the PRM Track Report in the form of an automatically generated straight line or an actual path, if defined.

PRM – improved handling of Routes

It is now easier to handle PRM Routes consisting of many parallel fibers:

  • Instead of selecting each fiber individually, during routing, it is now possible to select bundles or an entire cable (in the Candidates panel),
  • Occupied and free elements can be grouped in the PRM Data tab for cables and multi-ports.

This improvement will be particularly beneficial for large telecommunications companies managing extensive networks and working with fiber optic cables containing numerous fibers, significantly enhancing the speed and efficiency of their operations.

PRM – other improvements

We have also introduced several improvements with the purpose of enhancing the user experience of PRM and the efficiency of work with our Smallworld based solution:

  • Graphical representation (coloring) of occupied/free ports in a multi-port now follows the Creation Order attribute of the multi-port.
  • Automatic routing – it is now possible to apply the next candidate to a path without undoing the previous one.
  • Export to KML format is now available.

Data Center Manager – supporting inside plant inventory

Data Center Manager Globema’s GE Smallworld Network Inventory add-on supports inside plant equipment management.

In the latest release of Data Center Manager, we focused on supporting the management of heat generation and air conditioning. The changes touch upon such areas as modelling of devices, visualization of heat generation and cooling, reporting and more.

HVAC support in Data Center Manager

The new features enable effective monitoring of heat emissions from operational devices, facilitating precise temperature management to prevent overheating. This approach aids operators in safeguarding equipment from damage and mitigating associated financial losses.

The introduced improvements include:

Support for management of heat generation and air conditioning.

Extended modelling of the heat output of the devices.

  • New and modified fields were added to the RME Specification:
  • Heat Emission Direction – front/back.
  • Average Heat Output – average heat production of the device.
  • Heat Output – this field substitutes the BTU field.
  • A new field “Door Type” was added to the RME Bay (it indicates the type of the door in the rack).

Enhanced Visualization of heat generation and cooling.

  • The floor view overlay now shows the generated amount of heat and the hot/cold air flow direction of each rack.
  • The rack view overlay now highlights the cold intake (blue) or heat exhaust (red) side of each shelf within the rack.
  • Ventilation grilles in raised floors are now marked with wave symbols.

Improved modelling of cooling devices.

We introduced a new RME shelf specialization for cooling devices  allowing to describe the device type and cooling (air flow) directions.

Extended reporting

We introduced a new tool and Excel report which allows to present the heat balance for selected locations, providing a more detailed insight

Other improvements

Configuration improvements

It is now possible to set the display unit for heat management to BTU/h or kW, depending on preferences.

Floor/rack view integration with connectivity

It is now possible to send equipment selected in the internal view (bays, shelves, slots, cards, and ports) and internal cables to the embedded connectivity pane.

Enhanced shelves management

It is now possible to drag multiple shelves from one bay to another.

If you would like to find out more about the latest improvements in Physical Route Manager and Data Center Manager or set up a live demo, don’t hesitate to contact us.