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Discover Enhanced Forecast Accuracy with the New 4RES: Intraday and 15-Minute Forecasts, Plus an Expanded API

By June 26, 2024July 1st, 2024Energy, R & D

We are excited to introduce the latest version of our 4RES system for forecasting renewable energy production. This new iteration brings advanced capabilities designed to meet the evolving demands of the energy market. With enhanced reliability and a more user-friendly interface, 4RES is now better equipped to provide accurate and timely forecasts. Read on to explore the new features!

More Precise and Reliable Forecasts

15-Minute Energy
Generation Forecasts

Intraday Forecasts

Enhanced API and Dedicated App
for Better User Experience

More Precise and Reliable Forecasts

Previously, we utilized the Unified Model (UM) and the Global Forecast System (GFS) weather models for forecasting energy production. We are now enhancing our system by incorporating a leading European forecasting model from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). By leveraging multiple independent weather forecasts, 4RES achieves greater precision, potentially improving the Normalized Mean Absolute Error (NMAE) by several percentage points for some power plants.

The ECMWF’s global reach enables our forecasts to be applicable anywhere in the world.

Additionally, integrating this new weather data source enhances 4RES’s resilience against external outages, ensuring continuity and punctuality in forecasts. If one weather forecast source experiences an outage, our system automatically switches to other available sources.

15-Minute Energy Generation Forecasts

With the Polish Balancing Market now settling energy delivery in 15-minute intervals and plans for the energy market to transition to this model, 4RES now supports energy generation forecasts at 15-minute intervals.

Intraday Forecasts

The 4RES system now offers intraday forecasts for the current day.

This feature allows energy traders to adjust their sales positions based on hourly forecasts, optimizing the amount of energy sold and its price. Intraday forecasts are more accurate than next-day forecasts, providing better production estimates and reducing the share of energy in the Balancing Market.

Enhanced API and Dedicated App for Better User Experience

We have significantly upgraded the 4RES system’s API and designed a dedicated web application to work seamlessly with it. This app enables efficient management of power plant parameters and facilitates changes such as adding new plants, modifying characteristics, and defining temporary shutdowns.

The 4RES application enhances our internal customer service processes and allows us to share the app with our clients for independent power plant management. This provides our clients with:

  • Direct supervision over their energy source portfolio.
  • Immediate implementation of reductions, such as maintenance shutdowns or system limits. Previously, clients needed to communicate these needs to Globema, which took additional time.
  • Integration options with their billing systems.

Continuous Growth of 4RES

Our 4RES system is continually evolving with new features and advanced forecasting methods for innovative renewable energy sources, including bifacial PV panels and power plants equipped with trackers.

Let’s Discuss What 4RES Can Do for Your Business!

Interested in forecasting renewable energy production? Curious about the latest capabilities of 4RES? Contact us today!

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